Who is Guy & Beau?
Guy and Beau love chess. It teaches them strategy and forward-thinking.
We’re grateful that you’re here reading our first blog — or as we call it our TEE-log.
Our TEE-log will be a compilation of learnings we share with you - learnings from our ideation stage to launch, our embarrassing moments and screw-ups (and there are notable ones), our wins and milestone celebrations. We will share our growing pains as we evolve and scale our brand. We want to be transparent — share the highs and the lows. We hope to inspire you to take the leap and know that you have us to count on for some inspo.
Here is the deal — Entrepreneurship is not for the weak. It’s one-part heart, one-part passion, one-part strategy and three-parts resilience. You’re going to need that extra dose of resilience from time to time. How do you build an empire? One spreadsheet, one meeting, one account, one learning, ten no’s, one yes, one win, one knock-down, one get-back-up-on-your-feet, one milestone at a time. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. We learned early on in this journey that failure is a dot connector. It’s integral when your vision entails creating impact that leaves the world better. Guy & Beau have a big audacious vision. We are excited to have you on this journey.
“The world can’t resist passionate people. Passionate people make shit happen.”
So who is Guy & Beau?
They are two entrepreneurs who are champions for athleisure-wear. They want to go from the boardroom to the basketball court from the office to the obstacle course, or from their LLC to the lounge. They appreciate fit, function and fashion. They know that when we feel confident, we move confidently about in the world. They LOVE a good t-shirt with a suit jacket and a great pair of boots.
Guy is a bit of an introvert — highly successful and both artistic as well as analytical. Sees the big picture with a ginormous appreciation for the trees from the forest. Committed to healthy habits both mentally and physically. Beau is more extroverted in nature — a voracious reader, visionary and creative, with a passion for a good sweaty run. Both are values-driven: integrity, creativity, and fun are at the forefront of their lives and work; hence the core values of Guy & Beau TEE. They don’t take themselves too seriously. A pour of a nice smooth bourbon at the end of the day is imminent — on the rocks for Guy and always neat for Beau.
One commonality they share is their commitment for leveling women up in the world. They are champions for entrepreneurship. When they launched Guy & Beau TEE, they declared that although the mission is to design your favorite go-to TEE and functional athleisure-wear, their purpose for doing so was the T-E-E in enTrEprEneurship. Guy & Beau TEE’s purpose is to invest in the entrepreneurial spirit of women around the world.
As one of our founders, Beau, unapologetically often says “the world can’t resist passionate people. Passionate people make shit happen.” So take the leap already and trust the process.